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""" 一个基于thread和queue的线程池,以任务为队列元素,动态创建线程,重复利用线程, 通过close和terminate方法关闭线程池。 """ try: import queue except: import Queue import threading import contextlib import time
StopEvent = object()
def callback(status, result): """ 根据需要进行的回调函数,默认不执行。 :param status: action函数的执行状态 :param result: action函数的返回值 :return: """ print result StoreCallBack[result[u'task']]=result["result"] return status,result
def action(thread_name, arg): """ 真实的任务定义在这个函数里 :param thread_name: 执行该方法的线程名 :param arg: 该函数需要的参数 :return: """ return {u"result":u"dsaf",u"task":arg}
class ThreadPool:
def __init__(self, max_num, max_task_num=None): """ 初始化线程池 :param max_num: 线程池最大线程数量 :param max_task_num: 任务队列长度 """ if max_task_num: try: self.q = queue.Queue(max_task_num) except: self.q = Queue.Queue(max_task_num) else: try: self.q = queue.Queue() except: self.q = Queue.Queue() self.max_num = max_num self.cancel = False self.terminal = False self.generate_list = [] self.free_list = []
def put(self, func, args, callback=None): """ 往任务队列里放入一个任务 :param func: 任务函数 :param args: 任务函数所需参数 :param callback: 任务执行失败或成功后执行的回调函数,回调函数有两个参数 1、任务函数执行状态;2、任务函数返回值(默认为None,即:不执行回调函数) :return: 如果线程池已经终止,则返回True否则None """ if self.cancel: return if len(self.free_list) == 0 and len(self.generate_list) < self.max_num: self.generate_thread() w = (func, args, callback,) self.q.put(w)
def generate_thread(self): """ 创建一个线程 """ t = threading.Thread(target=self.call) t.start()
def call(self): """ 循环去获取任务函数并执行任务函数。在正常情况下,每个线程都保存生存状态, 直到获取线程终止的flag。 """ current_thread = threading.currentThread().getName() self.generate_list.append(current_thread) event = self.q.get() while event != StopEvent: func, arguments, callback = event try: result = func(current_thread, *arguments) success = True except Exception as e: result = None success = False if callback is not None: try: callback(success, result) except Exception as e: pass with self.worker_state(self.free_list, current_thread): if self.terminal: event = StopEvent else: event = self.q.get() else: self.generate_list.remove(current_thread)
def close(self): """ 执行完所有的任务后,让所有线程都停止的方法 """ self.cancel = True full_size = len(self.generate_list) while full_size: self.q.put(StopEvent) full_size -= 1
def terminate(self): """ 在任务执行过程中,终止线程,提前退出。 """ self.terminal = True while self.generate_list: self.q.put(StopEvent)
@contextlib.contextmanager def worker_state(self, state_list, worker_thread): """ 用于记录空闲的线程,或从空闲列表中取出线程处理任务 """ state_list.append(worker_thread) try: yield finally: state_list.remove(worker_thread)
class Rtet: def __init__(self,a,b,c): self.a = a self.b = b self.c = c
def ab(self,thread_name, arg): print(thread_name) return self.a+self.b
def ac(self,thread_name): print(thread_name) return self.c*self.a
def threadPoolCore(): pool = ThreadPool(5) t = Rtet(23, 12, 34) pool.put(action, (u"test",), callback) pool.put(action, (u"test2",), callback) pool.put(action, (u"test3",), callback)
time.sleep(3) print("-" * 50) print(u"\033[32;0m任务停止之前线程池中有%s个线程,空闲的线程有%s个!\033[0m" % (len(pool.generate_list), len(pool.free_list))) pool.close() print(u"任务执行完毕,正常退出!") return StoreCallBack